jaxa黑客(黑客 v)





International Institute for Carbon-Neutral Energy Research (I2CNER),Innovation Center for Medical Redox Navigation,Hydrogen Energy Research,World-Leading Hydrogen Energy Research,Interntional Research Center for Hydrogen Energy,Research Center for Hydrogen Energy Industrial Use and Storage,Next-Generation Fuel Cell Research Center (NEXT-FC),Center for Co-Evolutional Social Systems,Center for Clinical and Translational Research (CCTR)Hisayama Study,JST-ERATO ADACHI Molecular Exciton Engineering Project国际碳中性能源研究协会(I2CNER)




Environmental Problems and the Socially Vulnerable: An Environmental Anthropological Approach to Research on Arsenic Contamination of GroundwaterMy lab conducts research on the social causes and effects of environmental problems, primarily in developing countries. In particular, our research focuses on the relationship between environmental problems and socially vulnerable groups such as the poor.One of these studies investigates arsenic contamination of groundwater. Arsenic contamination is a global problem, but has especially been found throughout the large river basins of Asia. Based on the areal extent and number of people affected, the arsenic contamination of the groundwater along the Ganges River, running through India, Nepal, and Bangladesh, is sometime called the worst environmental contamination in the world. The contamination is caused by the liquefaction of natural-occurring arsenic in groundwater. People drink water from arsenic-contaminated wells, leading to chronic arsenic poisoning.Since the degree of groundwater contamination in a given location is determined by various conditions in the ground, there should be no relation between the economic situation of the people above ground and whether or not the water they happen to drink is contaminated with arsenic; therefore, any negative health effects that do appear should affect the residents randomly. However, surveys in rural communities in Bangladesh and Nepal have shown that the populations most affected are the poor and the low-caste.Reasons for this phenomenon are not entirely clear, but one factor appears to be general physical health due to differences in diet such as the consumption of animal-based protein. However, this alone cannot explain the high rate at which the lowest castes in Nepal are affected. The socially disadvantaged position in which these populations are placed, such as through the limitation of their rights, likely bears some relation, but we still cannot explain the precise mechanism by which this operates. Since it is difficult to explain this type of relationship between cultural customs and the health of its members by means of reductionist approaches, we are searching for a new approach.



owards Media Technology that Enhance Empathy by Shared-ExperiencesOur research is on virtual reality and wearable computers, through which we aim to create new connectionsbetween people and technology based on our observations of what characterizes the human body and mind. We areespecially involved in the field of emotional engineering, which adopts an engineering approach to the broadrange of human emotions, something that computers have not been handled until recently. We expect interpretingemotions from an engineering standpoint may facilitate our understanding the feelings of others and help usperceive ourselves more objectively. It is our aspiration to realize the kind of media technology that allows usto share experiences with others.In concrete terms, we are making devices for quantitatively measuring what conscious and unconscious responsespeople have to perceptional stimuli. On the basis of experimental insights, we prepare content for the creationof experience systems. Fig. 1 shows Emotion Hacking VR, an emotion system that employs tactile stimuli to amplifyemotions of fear. Taking advantage of the link between emotions of fear and increased heart rate, this systemallows users to experience horror content by intentionally raising their heart rate through external tactile



Light at night and the internal circadian clock: Is your clock affected by bright nights?Research background:If you join together satellite images of the earth at night, you can create a map of the world drawn in light. Nighttime illumination is necessary for our everyday peace of mind. However, recent research has indicated that bright nights may negatively affect our sleep and circadian clock. At our laboratory, we research the effects of light on the human body in order to design light environments that are healthy and human-friendly.What is a circadian clock?The circadian clock is a kind of internal clock, centered in the hypothalamus in your brain, which measures off cycles of approximately one day’s length. The circadian clock also plays a role in aligning the internal rhythms with the daylight cycle created by the rotation of the Earth. Light that enters the eye is transmitted to the brain, affecting the circadian clock along a path (the dotted line in the left region of the diagram below) that is separate from those of perception of brightness and color. In our research, we investigate the effects of light, utilizing the fact that the production of melatonin, a hormone secreted only at night, is suppressed by light exposure (diagram right).Light for people working at nightNight shifts and alternative work schedules disturb the circadian rhythm and sleep. Although light is necessary for nighttime work, that same light ironically increases risks to worker health. In our laboratory, we scientifically test the effects of working under nighttime light in order to protect workers from negative health effects. In a recent joint research effort with the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA), we have conducted research on illumination within the control room, an environment which operates on a 24-hour work schedule.There are photosensitive cells other than rods and cones!We know that the effect of light on the circadian clock is strong when carried through blue light. This is due to the existence of retinal ganglion cells containing a type of photoreceptor known as melanopsin. These cells, discovered just before the year 2000, shocked the world. These photosensitive cells convey information about light to the circadian clock. At our laboratory, we conducted research focusing on polymorphic genetic differences in melanopsin in different individuals. To put it simply, we found that response to light differs if the protein blueprint is different (Higuchi et al., 2013; Lee et al., 2013).A research topic of endless interestFirst Edison discovered the incandescent electric lightbulb, then came the rapid spread of fluorescent lighting, and finally in the near future these may be replaced by new lighting such as LED or OLED illumination. Although technological development continues to progress, there is still much we do not know about the effects on human. By investigating the connection between light and the circadian clock through basic scientific research, we hope contribute to the design of healthy lifestyles and light environments.







属性: 射手座 血型A 齐耳 白色皮肤 黑色眼睛 中二病 中二 黑发



2、 椎名真由理



属性: 水瓶座 血型O 到脖 女仆 温柔 短发 善解人意 学生 黑发


3、 桥田至



属性: 金牛座 血型B 御宅 白色皮肤 黑色眼睛 御宅控 黑发

简介:桥田至,游戏及动画《命运石之门》的主要人物之一。 东京电机大学一年级。冈伦高中时代的友人,两人也在同一所大学上学。因为出色的编程和黑客技术,被冈伦称为「吾之右臂」的未来道具研究所的主要战力之一。自称变态绅士。拥有非常高超的电脑技术,是一名超级骇(厨)客。是Lab的重要技术人员。




属性: 狮子座 血型A 及腰 长发 傲娇 长发飘逸 紫色眼睛 红发

简介:牧濑红莉栖是游戏《命运石之门》及其衍生作品的女性角色,维克多·孔多利亚大学脑科学研究所的研究员。牧濑红莉栖18岁即从大学毕业,在美国著名的学术杂志上刊登论文而受到瞩目。未来道具研究所的Labmen No.004。




属性: 双子座 血型B 及腰 白色皮肤 棕色眼睛 冷淡 眼镜娘 眼镜 长发 棕色

简介:桐生萌郁,所属动漫《命运石之门》中的人物。也是冈部伦太郎创建的未来研究所研究员,为了都市传说的取材而寻找幻之 PC「IBN5100」(后注)的时候,在秋叶原邂逅了冈伦。她沉默寡言到了与别人的交流全部都要通过手机短信的地步(就算对方在眼前)。

6、 漆原琉华



属性: 处女座 血型A 到脖 白色皮肤 紫色眼睛 女装癖 善良 短发 黑发 伪娘





属性: 天秤座 血型O 齐胸 白色皮肤 元气 黄色眼睛 双马尾 善良 棕色





属性: 白羊座 血型AB 及腰 女仆 双马尾 大小姐 萌 白色皮肤 红色眼睛 中二病 千金 猫耳 粉发

简介:秋叶留未穗,动漫中的人物。秋叶原的女仆咖啡厅“Mayqueen+喵喵”的招牌女仆,真由理在女仆咖啡厅的同事和朋友。私立金丝雀学园二年生。未来道具研究所的研究员No.007,本名是秋叶留未穗(あきは るみほ),秋叶家的千金大小姐。

十分热爱萌系相关的事物,就算是在日常生活中也会使用喵喵语,故事中“雷Net.Access Battlers”卡片游戏的高手。




属性: 白色皮肤 青色眼睛 善良 棕色

简介:阿万音由季,动漫中的人物。铃羽的母亲。PSP《比翼恋理的挚爱》中登场。按铃羽所述她当时是个挺有名气的角色扮演者,和铃羽的父亲(桥田至)于Comic Market里命运般地邂逅。(但在剧场版表示是在网上被桥田用假相结识)




属性: 白色皮肤 黑色眼睛 科学家 黑发





属性: 蓝色眼睛 白色皮肤 善良


12、 天王寺绹



属性: 白色皮肤 黑色眼睛 善良 棕色

简介:天王寺绹,动漫中的人物。天王寺绹是显像管工房的店长天王寺裕吾的女儿。在《命运石之门》中为十一岁,在续作《机器人笔记》中为二十岁。 小时候的绹有点害怕冈部伦太郎和桥田至,被两人称作“小动物”。和椎名真由理关系很好。


《命运石之门》(Steins;Gate,シュタインズ・ゲート)是根据5pb.制作的同名游戏改编,由日本动画公司WHITE FOX制作的动画作品,于2011年4月5日播放,全24话,外加1话SP收录于DVD第9卷。







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    访客 2023-03-23 上午 09:55:16


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    访客 2023-03-23 上午 04:42:06

    In our research, we investigate the effects of light, utilizing the fact that the production of melatonin, a hormone secreted only at night, is

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    访客 2023-03-23 上午 05:55:41


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    访客 2023-03-23 上午 04:00:07

    许用户通过外部的触觉来提高他们的心率,从而体验恐怖的内容。 研究成果三:夜晚的灯光和内部的生物钟:你的生物钟会受到明亮的夜晚的影响吗? Light at night and the internal circadian clock: Is your clock

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    访客 2023-03-23 上午 06:28:13

